Since 1964, LEESTA has earned a few accolades that are a testament to the ongoing commitment, determination and hard work of our people.

- Controlled Goods Program
Certificate of registration for the Controlled Goods Program from Public Works and Government Services Canada, since March 2013.

- AS/EN/JISQ9100:2009 and ISO 9001:2008
Date of certification 2004 and issue Revision C, April 2013.

- Qualification
Obtained qualification for the following processes: CPW 435, CPW 548, CPW 24, CPW 350, CPW 425, CPW 33. - Center of excellence for bearing housing 10 year contract.

- Supplier Classification A - subcontractor
Quality assessment from the Supplier Quality Management division of Bombardier; November 2012.

- Supplier Approval Certificate
Compliance with ITP Group quality requirements for manufacturing, assembly, fusion welding and testing of hydraulic and mechanical aircraft components; November 2012.

- Partner in One-Stop Process Shop Tekalia Aeronautik

Mechanical Design Certification - CATIA Certified Professional.

NX CAM is a part of Unigraphics NX, owned by Siemens PLM Software.

- Attestation
Certified in August 2013.